Holiday Reminders ~ 29 Nov 2013

It’s Black Friday... an unofficial holiday in the U.S. following our day of thanks in which people do insane things to be first in line to buy their share of the latest and greatest holiday gifts. This year retailers in the United States were open even on Thanksgiving day itself. I was so enjoying my tryptophan surge, I couldn’t be bothered to look on the news to see how the pandemonium played out.

Given the added insanity of holiday shopping this year, it occurred to me that maybe it’s a good idea to offer a few reminders regarding the holiday season.

When I was a kid, my mom loved to teach us to recite popular axioms using the most prodigious words possible. This training actually came in very handy back in the day of when astrologers were paid by the word for what they wrote.

Anyway, one of mom’s favs: Do not calculate the amount of your juvenile poultry before the process of incubation is thoroughly completed.

With the collective frenzy in place, perhaps it’s a good idea to keep in mind that Jupiter in “is the pantry full?” sign of Cancer turned retrograde on November 6th, a motion it maintains until March 6th. Venus, goddess of money, social pressure, needs and gotta haves, commences retrograde motion coincident with the Winter Solstice, and does so in the fiscally conservative sign of Capricorn. Funny, retailers are expecting a whiz bang boom sales season. How will this play out?

Since retrogrades have to do with backtracking, I’m guessing consumer returns of gifts will also reach record numbers. Do the retrogrades have anything to do with buyers’ remorse? Possibly, but more, I’m thinking a couple of things here:

Greed will kick in for retailers and corporate executives as the shopping season matures. Last minute sales might be equal to Black Friday sales; sales in this context meaning good deals for consumers.

Returns might start even before gifts are given. Sounds like, “I already have Xbox. I wanted the new Play Station.” Whoops, better run back and make the gift right.

As a present bearer and since you’re not delivering gifts to a totally appreciative babe draped in swaddling in a manger, get a solid and current size profile for those on your list. Make sure the gift you’re giving is one the recipient wants, and not just something you want them to have.

Do the retrogrades mean you should not spend? Not at all. The retrogrades do support staying within your gift-giving budget. Consider the need of the gifts you’re giving. It’s not a big year for frivolousness. Purposeful gifts rock.

Does Venus in Capricorn give you a justification for going into Scrooge-mode? No, but that’s an interesting, bigger picture matter to address. Life is going on above and beyond, beneath and aside the holiday frenzy. Life’s pressures can turn a charter member in the optimist club to face the curmudgeon mirror. It’s the end of the year and the pressure of annual accomplishment assessment is likely to be larger than normal. In fact, this year, the accomplishment, goal-setting, purpose-pursuing agenda axes loom extra large through the entirety of the Venus retrograde, or until the last moments of January 2014.

What if you received an e-mail stating, “Your submission does not meet our requirements at this time?” Well, first, don’t do the Capricorn diversion thing. If it stings, feel it. Use the reaction to reset motivation. Take time to consider if you feel in your gut that your submission is perfect. If not, perfect it. If it’s perfect, submit it elsewhere. How many stories at award ceremonies convey the message that so many told the award recipient to keep their day job? 

With Venus retrograding in Capricorn, it is paramount that you and you alone value your project, talent, invention, concept or what have you. Until you wrap around its merit and dharmic value to your life, the vibe around it will lack the needed luster to summon enthusiastic support. Infuse every atom - and subatomic essence, too - that you have available into your life-altering efforts. Get to know your intrinsic value better than the back of your proverbial hand.

As Jupiter backpedals in Cancer, similar themes emerge. Do you really need what you feel you cannot live without? Will it further your cause? Is the model, brand, version you cannot wait to buy the one that best suits your need? Should you upgrade? And what about that rejected concept? Is it really flawed? Maybe the big picture message that Jupiter bears states that you would benefit from realizing your scope and reach ought to expand. Maybe you’ve pared things down so much in the interest of practicality. You need to reset more grandiose objectives. At least have a wish-list budget prepared alongside your bare bones budget.

Most of all, if setbacks, rejections, delays or deferments occur, do not despair. Take a break... a short one, and use it to reset the psyche. With Jupiter in Cancer and Venus in Capricorn, feelings do get hurt. Honor all reactions. Reconfigure and retool. As soon as the fervor returns, get back in the saddle.

Now, Venus and the Sun align on January 11th. This is a day when matters of Venus enjoy exceptional favor due to the straight line positioning of the Earth, Sun and Venus. Though a retrograde is in progress, you can use this day to make Venus hay.

Stay encouraged. Realize that the people whose attention you require are processing their own life issues within these retrogrades. They may need a little more time, patience and perhaps a reiteration of clarity upon your part. Exert no pressure and make no demands on those from whom you need favor(s).

Remember, as one of my mom’s other favorite axioms relayed: Good things come to those who wait... and keep working their ass off behind the scenes.

Two interesting notes for you. Space Weather has a very cool video of Comet Ison and Comet Encke racing around the Sun. It’s worth checking out:

The second note: The resource conscious planet Makemake has made its preview track into the sign of Libra. Initial markers of this transit likely appear in the form of a greater reverence for all Earth’s assets... like the creatures of the planet. The outrage over the reality show host who shot a lion in Africa as part of the show fits the billing. So does the ironic story about the comedian who talked about the love of killing deer, and died after loading a dead deer onto his truck. And then there’s the story of the two Canadian men who saved a shark from choking on a piece of moose hide in Newfoundland. Yes, people matter. So do animals... and trees... and flowers... and all the assets of Earth.